Brown's Septic Service, Inc.

PO Box 220

Del Norte CO 81132



Serving Our Neighbors For Over 20 Years

We offer an extended list of services for our customer's to help keep your septic system working properly.  We care and offer the piece of mind that comes with over 100 years combined experience and knowledge.  

Risers and Lids being installed

Using sewer camera to view sewer line

Pumping out a tank

If you are a homeowner with a septic system you are the owner/operator of your ISTS (Individual Sewage Treatment System).  Did you know that  your system needs regular maintenance?    With the new State of Colorado requirements implemented in July 2015 the cost of a new septic system have sky rocketed   (Often tripled in price or more).  

Have often should you pump your tank is a common question.  We recommend every two years for a family of four; this is the normal.  However your system may not be the norm and may need to be cleaned and checked more often.  Our service technicians can educate and recommend what your individual system needs are.

Renting out your home as a Vacation Rental is becoming more popular in the area.  With that, many are wanting to be able to accomodate as many guests in the home as possible.  Sometimes the septic cannot keep up with the higher usage and could have  problems.  This is  also true during the holidays when guests are visiting you.  If you have had troubles in the past consider getting your septic cleaned  and checked prior to guests arriving.

Keith and Kayla Brown


We are there when you need us!